Friday, September 14, 2012

Myth Debunked. Heidi Klum Did Not Lose Post pregnancy Weight in 3 Weeks

Lately the topic of celebrities losing post-pregnancy weight became so popular that a week does not go by without Yahoo and such posting pictures of various celebrities and models with their before and after pictures. To date I have not seen one article being specific about how much each celebrity actually weighted before pregnancy, after pregnancy and when exactly they got back to their initial weight. Just today there is another artcile popped out on Yahoo that is actually called "New Celeb Mom Bodies Normal and Not"

All of this creates very negative effect on young moms - like me, who just had a baby and last thing they want to worry is beating some celebrity record. When I read comments to such articles I feel very sorry for such moms because I know - we very very much worry about our bodies and about the fact that it takes time to regain at least some of the prior glory.

Not even one article goes by without mentioning Heidi Klum losing all her baby weight in a week. Ok, here is when I decided to do some research to debunk this myth. It didn't take long. Let's just get facts straight: It took Heidi 2 months - 8 weeks to look perfect again. Just watch this video:

Topic first raised during Oprah show. In the end of this video Oprah mentions that it was 2 months after giving birth when Heidi Klum modeled for Victoria's Secret runway show. 2 months is 8 weeks. Not 1 or 2 or 3. It was 8 weeks. No questions she looked gorgeous. Absolutely stunning! But there is no information that she lost all her weight. She never said that she lost all the weight. Media made it up.

But the show was put together by professionals. Heidi opened the show, she came out first. She was alone on the stage with huge wings behind her back. Wings created an optical illusion making her look tinier than she actually was.

If you look at this photo (sorry for the quality, couldn't find a better one), you will see Heidi Klum as compared to Karolina Kurkova show appeared next. Karolina was two times thinner than Heidi. Given that Heidi is a model it is safe to assume that she was of a similar size to Kurkova before getting pregnant.
On this photo you can see Heidi's tummy was very flat, arms and legs skinny. But her hips were very wide. I bet she did not try to fit in her skinny jeans even 8 weeks after giving birth. I bet she didn't try to wear flexi belt over her hips to artificially collapse her pelvis to pre-birth size.

She took her time girlies. And so should you. She ate little and exercised a lot - something she admitted to Oprah during the interview. Also, to make belly flat visually, if you don't eat for a day, yours will flatten too.

It's been exactly 3 months since I have given birth to my baby cutie little boy. My hips still have 2 inches to lose. I still have 7 kg ( about 15 pounds), half of my pregnancy weight to lose. Other than playing tennis twice a week I did not do any exercise. I eat one extra meal (lunch) a day than before pregnancy to keep my milk supply. Before I skipped lunch all together. Do I worry about going back to normal? Hell yes. But I don't have a doubt that with enough time, correct diet and exercise I will be back to pre-pregnancy. Heidi Klum is for sure my idol in this topic because she did it 4 times, but she didn't do it in 3 weeks.

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