Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Back Pain Cure During Pregnancy

Many women complain about back pain during early months of their pregnancy. Even though I was very active before getting pregnant and quite well stretched, back pain did not omit me. At about 6 weeks into pregnancy I started to develop very nasty pulling feelings in the lower back. It got to the point that I could not lift myself up from bed upfront - had to roll over. I found the way to make the pain go away withing minutes.

This was the time when I purchased book by Julie Tupler about pregnancy fitness. Book is quite interesting as it opens your eyes in diastasis recti - belly muscle separation. Julie Tupler is worlds most famous expert on how to deal with the condition post-partum. But there was one excersize in this book that particularly helped me with the back pain. Julie Tupler calls it Belly Dancing.
Here it is:
Stand on your feet, knees slightly bent.
Lean forward and put your arms on the knees to support your painful back.
Move pelvis forward.
Hold for 10 seconds or so.
Move your pelvis back to original position.

The lower back pain is caused by stretching the Tranversus abdominals muscle to accommodate growing belly. Since the muscle wraps around your sides from belly to the spine it pulls from the back and you feel pain.

What this exercise does to you is stretching the transversus muscle even more - in advance so to speak, and pain disappears.
For me the pain was gone that very same evening I tried the exercise. Whenever the pain was reappearing I just stood up, did the few belly dances and pain retracted for good.

What was your back pain pregnancy experience?

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